FedML Team Published 50+ Top Scientific papers, Covering Key Challenges such as Security, Efficiency, Weak Supervision, and Fairness

TensorOpera AI
5 min readAug 9, 2022


Let’s take a look at FedML’s progress in research. In addition to the above platform and product experience upgrades, the FedML team has also maintained considerable investment in scientific research. In the past two years, over 50 papers have been published in the field of distributed computing and machine learning, covering the following aspects:

(1) Vision Paper for High Scientific Impacts

(2) System for Large-scale Distributed/Federated Training

(3) Training Algorithms for FL

(4) Security/privacy for FL

(5) AI Applications

All papers are summarized at https://doc.fedml.ai/resources/papers.html

Here are a few articles that are highly related to product landing, covering key problems such as security/privacy, efficiency, weak supervision, and fairness.

1. LightSecAgg: a Lightweight and Versatile Design for Secure Aggregation in Federated Learning. MLSys 2022

Abstract: Secure model aggregation is a key component of federated learning (FL) that aims at protecting the privacy of each user’s individual model while allowing for their global aggregation. It can be applied to any aggregation based FL approach for training a global or personalized model. Model aggregation needs to also be resilient against likely user dropouts in FL systems, making its design substantially more complex. State-of-the-art secure aggregation protocols rely on secret sharing of the random-seeds used for mask generations at the users to enable the reconstruction and cancellation of those belonging to the dropped users. The complexity of such approaches, however, grows substantially with the number of dropped users. We propose a new approach, named LightSecAgg, to overcome this bottleneck by changing the design from “random-seed reconstruction of the dropped users” to “one-shot aggregate-mask reconstruction of the active users via mask encoding/decoding”. We show that LightSecAgg achieves the same privacy and dropout-resiliency guarantees as the state-of-the-art protocols while significantly reducing the overhead for resiliency against dropped users. We also demonstrate that, unlike existing schemes, LightSecAgg can be applied to secure aggregation in the asynchronous FL setting. Furthermore, we provide a modular system design and optimized on-device parallelization for scalable implementation, by enabling computational overlapping between model training and on-device encoding, as well as improving the speed of concurrent receiving and sending of chunked masks.

Arxiv Link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2109.14236.pdf

2. SSFL: Tackling Label Deficiency in Federated Learning via Personalized Self-Supervision. Best Paper Awards at AAAI 2021 FL workshop.

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is transforming the ML training ecosystem from a centralized over-the-cloud setting to distributed training over edge devices in order to strengthen data privacy. An essential but rarely studied challenge in FL is label deficiency at the edge. This problem is even more pronounced in FL compared to centralized training due to the fact that FL users are often reluctant to label their private data. Furthermore, due to the heterogeneous nature of the data at edge devices, it is crucial to develop personalized models. In this paper we propose self-supervised federated learning (SSFL), a unified self-supervised and personalized federated learning framework, and a series of algorithms under this framework which work towards addressing these challenges. First, under the SSFL framework, we demonstrate that the standard FedAvg algorithm is compatible with recent breakthroughs in centralized self-supervised learning such as SimSiam networks. Moreover, to deal with data heterogeneity at the edge devices in this framework, we have innovated a series of algorithms that broaden existing supervised personalization algorithms into the setting of self-supervised learning. We further propose a novel personalized federated self-supervised learning algorithm, Per-SSFL, which balances personalization and consensus by carefully regulating the distance between the local and global representations of data. To provide a comprehensive comparative analysis of all proposed algorithms, we also develop a distributed training system and related evaluation protocol for SSFL. Our findings show that the gap of evaluation accuracy between supervised learning and unsupervised learning in FL is both small and reasonable. The performance comparison indicates the representation regularization-based personalization method is able to outperform other variants.

Arxiv Link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.02470.pdf

3. 3LegRace: Privacy-Preserving DNN Training over TEEs and GPUs. Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2022

Abstract: Leveraging parallel hardware (e.g. GPUs) for deep neural network (DNN) training brings high computing performance. However, it raises data privacy concerns as GPUs lack a trusted environment to protect the data. Trusted execution environments (TEEs) have emerged as a promising solution to achieve privacy-preserving learning. Unfortunately, TEEs’ limited computing power renders them not comparable to GPUs in performance. To improve the trade-off among privacy, computing performance, and model accuracy, we propose an asymmetric model decomposition framework, AsymML, to (1) accelerate training using parallel hardware; and (2) achieve a strong privacy guarantee using TEEs and differential privacy (DP) with much less accuracy compromised compared to DP-only methods. By exploiting the low-rank characteristics in training data and intermediate features, AsymML asymmetrically decomposes inputs and intermediate activations into low-rank and residual parts. With the decomposed data, the target DNN model is accordingly split into a \emph{trusted} and an \emph{untrusted} part. The trusted part performs computations on low-rank data, with low compute and memory costs. The untrusted part is fed with residuals perturbed by very small noise. Privacy, computing performance, and model accuracy are well managed by respectively delegating the trusted and the untrusted part to TEEs and GPUs. We provide a formal DP guarantee that demonstrates that, for the same privacy guarantee, combining asymmetric data decomposition and DP requires much smaller noise compared to solely using DP without decomposition. This improves the privacy-utility trade-off significantly compared to using only DP methods without decomposition. Furthermore, we present a rank bound analysis showing that the low-rank structure is preserved after each layer across the entire model.

Arxiv Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.01229

In addition, the team has also explored from the perspective of algorithmic fairness, such as FairFed: Enabling Group Fairness in Federated Learning. This article reveals that basic federated learning training methods may introduce inequities in gender and ethnic groups, and provides an effective way to solve this problem.



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